Running Sipi

After following the instructions in building, you will find the executable local/bin/sipi in the source tree.

It can be run either as simple command-line image converter or as a server.

Running Sipi As a Command-line Image Converter

Convert an image file to another format:

local/bin/sipi --format [output format] --fileIn [input file] [output file]

Compare two image files:

local/bin/sipi --Compare file1 --Compare file2

Running Sipi As a Server

local/bin/sipi --config [config file]

Sipi logs its operations using syslog.

Command-line Options

  --config filename, -c filename
                    Configuration file for web server.

  --file fileIn, -f fileIn
                    input file to be converted. Usage: sipi [options] -f fileIn

  --format Value, -F Value
                    Output format Value can be: jpx,jpg,tif,png.

  --ICC Value, -I Value
                    Convert to ICC profile. Value can be:

  --quality Value, -q Value
                    Quality (compression). Value can any integer between 1 and

  --region x,y,w,h, -r x,y,w,h
                    Select region of interest, where x,y,w,h are integer values

  --Reduce Value, -R Value
                    Reduce image size by factor Value (cannot be used together
                    with --size and --scale)

  --size w,h -s w,h
                    Resize image to given size w,h (cannot be used together with
                    --reduce and --scale)

  --Scale Value, -S Value
                    Resize image by the given percentage Value (cannot be used
                    together with --size and --reduce)

  --skipmeta Value, -k Value
                    Skip the given metadata. Value can be none,all

  --mirror Value, -m Value
                    Mirror the image. Value can be: none,horizontal,vertical

  --rotate Value, -o Value
                    Rotate the image. by degree Value, angle between (0:360)

  --salsah, -s
                    Special flag for SALSAH internal use

  --Compare file1 --Compare file2 or -C file1 -C file2
                    Compare two files

  --watermark file, -w file
                    Add a watermark to the image

  --serverport Value, -p Value
                    Port of the web server

  --nthreads Value, -t Value
                    Number of threads for web server

  --imgroot Value, -i Value
                    Root directory containing the images for the web server

  --loglevel Value, -l Value
                    Logging level Value can be:

                    Print usage and exit.

Configuration Files

Sipi's configuration file is written in Lua. You can make your own configuration file by adapting config/sipi.config.lua.

  • Check that the port number is correct and that your operating system's firewall does not block it.
  • Set imgroot to the directory containing the files to be served.
  • Create the directory cache in the top-level directory of the source tree.

For more information, see the comments in config/sipi.config.lua.

Using Sipi with Knora

If you are using Sipi with Knora, you can adapt config/sipi.knora-config.lua.

HTTPS Support

Sipi supports SSL/TLS encryption if the OpenSSL library is installed. You will need to install a certificate; see config/sipi.config.lua for instructions.

IIIF Prefixes

Sipi supports IIIF Image API URLs.

If the configuration property prefix_as_path is set to true, the IIIF prefix portion of the URL is interpreted as a subdirectory of imgroot, and Sipi looks for the requested image file in that subdirectory. Otherwise, it looks for the file in imgroot.