SIPI Lua Interface

SIPI has an embedded LUA interpreter. LUA is a simple script language that was developped specifically to be embedded into applications. For example the games minecraft and World of Warcraft make extensive use of LUA scripting for customization and programming extensions.

Each HTTP request to SIPI invokes a recent, independent lua-instance (Version 5.3.5). Therefore, LUA may be used in the following contexts:

  • Preflight function
  • Embedded in HTML pages
  • RESTful services using the SIPI routing

Each lua-instance in SIPI includes additional SIPI-specific information:

  • global variables about the SIPI configuration
  • information about the current HTTP request
  • SIPI specific functions for
  • processing the request and send back information
  • getting image information and transforming images
  • querying and changing the SIPI runtime configuration (e.g. the cache)

In general, the SIPI LUA function make use that a Lua function's return value may consist of more than one element (see Multiple Results):

Sipi provides the LuaRocks package manager which must be used in the context of SIPI.

The Lua interpreter in Sipi runs in a multithreaded environment: each request runs in its own thread and has its own Lua interpreter. Therefore, only Lua packages that are known to be thread-safe may be used!

Preflight function

It is possible to define a LUA pre-flight function for IIIF-requests and independently one for file-requests (indicated by a /file postfix in the URL). Both are optional and are best located in the init-script (see configuarion options of SIPI). It is executed after the incoming HTTP request data has been processed but before an action to respond to the request has been taken. It should be noted that the pre-flight script is only executed for IIIF-specific requests (either using the IIIF URL-syntax or the /file postfix). All other HTTP requests are being directed to "normal" HTTP-server part of SIPI. These can utilize the lua functionality by embedding LUA commands within the HTML.

IIIF preflight function

The IIIF preflight function must have the name pre_flight with the following signature:

function pre_flight(prefix,identifier,cookie)

    return "allow", filepath

The preflight function takes 3 parameter:

  • prefix: This is the prefix that is given on the IIIF url [mandatory]
    Please note that the prefix may contain several "/" that can be used as path to the repository file
  • identifier: The image identifier (which must not correspond to an actual filename in the media files repositoy of the SIPI IIIF server) [mandatory]
  • cookie: A cookie containing authorization information. Usually the cookie contains a Json Web Token [optional]

The pre-flight function must return at least 2 parameters:

  • permission: A string or a table indication the permission to read the image. In a simple case it's either the string "allow" or "deny".
    To allow more flexibility, the following permission tables are supported:
    • Restricted access with watermark. The watermark must be a TIFF file with a single 8-bit channel (gray value image). For example:
      { type = 'restricted', watermark = './wm/mywatermark.tif' }
    • Restricted access with size limitation. The size must be a IIIF size expression. For example:
      { type = 'restricted', size='!256,256' }
    • SIPI also supports the IIIF Authentification API. See section IIIF Authentification on how to implement this feature in the pre-flight function.
  • filepath: The path to the master image file in the media files repository. This path can be assembled using the prefix and identifier using any additional information (e.g. accessing a database or using the LUA restful client)

The most simple working pre-flight looks as follows assuming that the identifieris the name of the master image file in the repository and the prefix is the path:

function pre_flight(prefix, identifier, cookie)
    if config.prefix_as_path then
        filepath = config.imgroot .. '/' .. prefix .. '/' .. identifier
        filepath = config.imgroot .. '/' .. identifier
    return 'allow', filepath

Above example preflight function allows all files to be served without restriction.

More complex example of preflight function

The following example uses some SIPI lua funtions to access an authorization server to check if the user (identified by a cookie) is allowed to see the specific image. We are using Json Web Tokens (JWT) which are supported by SIPI specific LUA functions. Please note that the SIPI JTW-functions support an arbitrary payload that has not to follow the JWT recommendations. In order to encode, the JWT_ALG_HS256 is beeing used together with the key that is defined in the SIPI configuration as jwt_secret.

function pre_flight(prefix, identifier, cookie) 
    -- make up the file path
    if config.prefix_as_path then
        filepath = config.imgroot .. '/' .. prefix .. '/' .. identifier
        filepath = config.imgroot .. '/' .. identifier
    -- we need a cookie containing the user information that will be
    -- sent to the authorization server. In this
    -- example, the content does not follow the JWT rules
    -- (which is possible to pack any table into a JWT encoded token)
    if cookie then
        -- we decode the cookie in order to get a table of key/value pairs
        success, userinfo = server.decode_jwt(cookie)
        if not success then
            return 'deny', filepath
        -- prepare the RESTful call to the authorization server

        -- add the image identifier to the info table:
        userinfo["imgid"] = identifier
        -- encode the userinfo to a JWT-like token:
        local new_cookie = server.generate_jwt(userinfo) 
        local url = '' .. identifier
        local auth_information = { Cookie = new_cookie }
        -- make the HTTP request with a timeout of 500 ms
        success, result = server.http('GET', url, auth_information, 500) 
        if success then
            -- we got a response from the server
            success, response_json = server.json_to_table(result.body)
            if success then  -- everything OK
                return {
                            type = response_json.type,
                            restriction = response_json.restriction
                        }, filepath
                return 'deny', filepath
            return 'deny', filepath
        return 'deny', filepath

Above example assumes that the cookie data is a string that contains encrypted user data from a table (key/value pair). Jason Web Token. This token is decoded and the information about the image to be displayed is added. Then the information is encoded as a new token that ist transmitted to the RESTful interface of the authentification server. The answer is assumed to be json containing information about the type ('allow', 'deny', 'restricted') and the restriction settings. The pre-flight function uses the following SIPI-specific LUA global variables and function:

File preflight function

An URL in the form http(s)://{server}/{prefix}/{identifier}/file serves the given file as binary object (including propere mimetype in the header etc.). The file has to reside in the directory tree defined for IIIF requests. In these cases, a preflight script name file_pre_flight is being called if defined. Its signature is as follows:

function file_pre_flight(filepath, cookie)


A simple example allowing access only to the file "unit/test.csv" would be:

function file_pre_flight(filepath, cookie)
    if filepath == "./images/unit/test.csv" then
        return "allow", filepath
        return "deny", ""

This script would deny all other file access and the SIPI IIIF server responds with a 401 Unauthorized error.

LUA embedded in HTML

The HTTP server that is included in SIPI can serve any type of file which are just transfered as is to the client. However, if a file has an extension of .elua, it is assumed to be a HTML file with embedded LUA code. ALL SIPI-specific LUA functions and global variables are available.

Embedding works with the special tag <lua> and </lua>. All text between the opening and closing tag is interpreted as LUA code. SIPI provides an extra LUA function to output data to the client (server.print). Thus, dynamic, server-generated HTML may be created. A sample page that displays some information about the server configuration and client info could like follows:

        <title>SIPI Configuration Info</title>
    <h1>SIPI Configuration Info</h1>
    <h2>Configuration variables</h2>
            if server.has_openssl then
                server.print('<tr><td>SSL port</td><td>:</td><td>' ..
                             config.sslport .. '</td></tr>')
            <td>number of threads:</td>
            <td>maximal post size:</td>
    <h2>Client information</h2>
            <td>Host in request</td>
            <td>IP of client</td>
            <td>URL path</td>

    <p>Important Note: "IP of client" and "Host in request" may
       indicate the information of a proxy and notof the actual
    <h2>Request Header Information</h2>
            for key, val in pairs(server.header) do
                server.print('<tr><td>' .. key ..
                             '</td><td>:</td><td>' .. val .

Embedded LUA and enforcing SSL

The supplied example initialization file offers a LUA function that enforces the use of a SSL encryption page proteced by a user name and password. It is used as follows by adding the following code before the <html> opening tag:

    if then
        protocol = 'https://'
        protocol = 'http://'

    success,token = authorize_page('',
                                    extecteduser, expectedPassword)
    if not success then

where expectedUser and extectedPassword are the user/password combination the user is expected to enter.

File uploads to SIPI

The SIPI specific LUA function allow the upload of files using POST requests with multipart/form-data content. The global variable server.uploads contains`the information about the uploads. The following variables and function help to deal with uploads:

In addition the file system functions that SIPI provides may be used.

See the scripts upload.elua and do-upload.elua in the server directory, and upload.lua in the scripts directory for a working example.

RESTful API and custom routes

Custom routes to implement a RESTful API can be defined in Sipi's configuration file using the routes configuration variable. For example:

routes = {
        method = 'GET',
        route = '/status',
        script = 'get_repository_status.lua'
        method = 'POST',
        route = '/make_thumbnail',
        script = 'make_image_thumbnail.lua'

Sipi looks for these scripts in the directory specified by scriptdir in its configuration file. The first route that matches the beginning of the requested URL path will be used.

IIIF Authentication API 1.0 in SIPI

The pre_flight function is also responsible for activating the IIIF Auth API. In order to do so, the pre_flight script returns a table that contains all necessary information. For details about the IIIF Authentication API 1.0 see the IIIF documentation. The following fields have to be returned by the pre_flight-function as LUA-table:

  • type: String giving the type. Valid are:
    "login", "clickthrough", ""kiosk" or "external".
  • cookieUrl: URL where to get a valid IIIF Auth cookie for this service.
  • tokenUrl: URL where to get a valid IIIF Auth token for this service.
  • confirmLabel: Label to display in confirmation box.
  • description: Description for login window.
  • failureDescription: Information, if login fails.
  • failureHeader: Header for failure window.
  • header: Header of login window
  • label: Label of the login window

In addition, the filepath has to be returns. A full response may look as follows:

return {
   type = 'login',
    cookieUrl = 'https://localhost/iiif-cookie.html',
    tokenUrl = 'https://localhost/iiif-token.php',
    confirmLabel =  'Login to SIPI',
    description = 'This Example requires a demo login!',
    failureDescription = '<a href="">Access Policy</a>',
    failureHeader = 'Authentication Failed',
    header = 'Please Log In',
    label = 'Login to SIPI',
}, filepath

SIPI will use this information returned by the pre_flight function to return the appropriate responses to the client requests based on the IIIF Authentication API 1.0. Check for support of the IIIF Authentication API 1.0 for mirador and universalviewer, both applications which suppport the IIIF standards.

SIPI variables available to Lua scripts

There are many globally accessible LUA variables made available which reflext the configuration of SIPI and the state of the server and request. This variables a read only and created for every request.

SIPI configuration variables

This variables are defined ither in the configuration file if SIPI, in environemt variables at startup or as command line option when starting the server.



The hostname SIPI is configures to run on (see hostname in configuration description).



Portnumber where the SIPI server listens (see serverport in configuration description).



Portnumber for SSL connections of SIPI (see sslport in configuration description).



Root directory for IIIF-served images (see imgroot in configuration description).



Root directory for WEB-Server (see docroot in configuration description).



maximum age of temporary files (see max_temp_file_age in configuration description).



true if the prefix should be used as path info (see prefix_as_path in configuration description).



Path to initialization script (see initscript in configuration description).



Path to script directory. (see scriptdir in configuration description).



Path to cache directory for iIIF served images. (see cachedir in configuration description).



Maximal size of cache (see cachesize in configuration description).



Maximal number of files in cache. (see cache_nfiles in configuration description).



Amount of data to be purged if cache reaches maximum size. (see cache_hysteresis in configuration description).



Unfortunately, the IIIF Image API does not allow to give a JPEG quality (=compression) on the IIIF URL. SIPI allows to configure the compression quality system wide with this parameter. Allowed values are in he range [1..100] where 1 the worst quality (and highest compression factor = smallest file size) and 100 the highest quality (with lowest compression factor = biggest file size). Please note that SIPI is not able to provide lossless compression for JPEG files. (see jpeg_quality in configuration description).



Maximal keep-alive time for HTTP requests that ask for a keep-alive connection. (see keep_alive in configuration description).



Default thumbnail image size. (see thumb_size in configuration description).



Number of worker threads SIPI uses. (see nthreads in configuration description).



Maximal size of POST data allowed (see max_post_size in configuration description).



Temporary directory to store uploads. (see tmpdir in configuration description).



Path to the SSL certificate that SIPI uses. (see ssl_certificate in configuration description).



Path to the SSL key that SIPI uses. (see ssl_key in configuration description).



Name of the logfile. SIPI is currently using the syslog facility and the logfile name is ignored. (see logfile in configuration description).



Indicates what should be logged. The variable contains a integer that corresponds to the syslog level. (see loglevel in configuration description).



Name of admin user. (see user in configuration description).



Password (plain text, not encrypted) of admin user (use with caution)! (see password in configuration description).

SIPI Server Variables

Sipi server variables are dependent on the incoming request and are created by SIPI automatically for each request.






true if OpenSSL is available. This variable is determined compilation time. Usually SSL should be included, but SIPI can be compiled without SSL support. There is no option in the configuration file for this.

true if the connection was made over HTTPS using SSL.

The hostname of the Sipi server that was used in the request.



The IPv4 or IPv6 address of the client connecting to Sipi.



The port number of the client socket.



The URL path used to access Sipi (does not include the hostname).



A table containing all the HTTP request headers(in lowercase).



A table of the cookies that were sent with the request.



A table of GET request parameters.

A table of POST or PUT request parameters.



All request parameters.



If the request had a body, the variable contains the body data. Otherwise it's nil.



Returns the content type of the request. If there is no type or no content, this variable is nil.



This is an array of upload parameters, one per file. Each one is a table containing:

  • fieldname: the name of the form field.
  • origname: the original filename.
  • tmpname: a temporary path to the uploaded file.
  • mimetype: the MIME type of the uploaded file as provided by the browser.
  • filesize: the size of uploaded file in bytes.

The upload can be accessed as follows:

for index, value in pairs(server.uploads) do
    -- copy the uploaded file to the image repository using the original name
    server.copyTmpfile(index, config.imgdir .. '/' .. value["origname"])

Knora-specific variables

The development of SIPI came out of the need to have a flexible, high performance IIIF server for the Swiss National research infrastructure Data and Service Center for the Humanities (DaSCH). The aim of the DaSCH is to guarantee long-term accessibility of research data from the Humanities. The operates a specialized platform Knora. The following variables are for internal use only.



Path to knora REST API (only for SIPI used with Knora)



Port that the Knora API uses

SIPI functions available to Lua scripts

Sipi provides the following functions that can be called from Lua scripts. Each function returns two values. The first value is true if the operation succeeded, false otherwise. If the operation succeeded, the second value is the result of the operation, otherwise it is an error message.

SIPI Connection Functions

These LUA function alter the way the HTTP connection is handled.


success, errmsg = server.setBuffer([bufsize][,incsize])

Activates the the connection buffer. Optionally the buffer size and increment size can be given. Returns true, nil on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, errormsg = server.sendHeader(key, value)

Sets an HTTP response header. Returns true, nil on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, errormsg = server.sendCookie(key, value [, options-table])

Sets a cookie in the HTTP response. Returns true, nil on success or false, errormsg on failure. The optional options-table is a Lua table containing the following keys:

  • path
  • domain
  • expires (value in seconds)
  • secure (boolean)
  • http_only (boolean)



Sends an HTTP status code. This function is always successful and returns nothing.


success, errormsg = server.print(values)

Prints variables and/or strings over the HTTP connection to the client that originated the request. Returns true, nil on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, table = server.requireAuth()

This function retrieves HTTP authentication data that was supplied after sending a 'WWW-Authenticate'-header (e.g. by issuing a the following commands to enter the HTTP login dialog:

    server.sendHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Sipi"')

It returns true, table on success or false, errormsg on failure. The result of the authorization is returned as table with the following elements:

  • status: Either BASIC, BEARER, NOAUTH (no authorization header) or ERROR
  • username: A string containing the supplied username (only existing if stats is BASIC)
  • password: A string containing the supplied password (only existing if stats is BASIC)
  • token: A string containing the raw token information (only if status BEARER)
  • message: A string containing the error message (only if status ERROR)


success, auth = server.requireAuth()
if not success then
    server.print("Error in getting authentication scheme!")
    return -1

if auth.status == 'BASIC' then
    -- everything OK, let's create the token for further
    -- calls and ad it to a cookie
    if auth.username == config.adminuser and
       auth.password == config.password then
        tokendata = {
            iss = "",
            aud = "",
            user = auth.username
        success, token = server.generate_jwt(tokendata)
        if not success then
            server.print("Could not generate JWT!")
            return -1
        success, errormsg = server.sendCookie('sipi',
                                              {path = '/', expires = 3600})
        if not success then
            server.print("Couldn't send cookie with JWT!")
            return -1
        server.sendHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Sipi"')
        server.print("Wrong credentials!")
        return -1
elseif auth.status == 'BEARER' then
    success, jwt = server.decode_jwt(auth.token)
    if not success then
        server.print("Couldn't deocde JWT!")
        return -1
    if (jwt.iss ~= '') or
       (jwt.aud ~= '') or
       (jwt.user ~= config.adminuser) then
        server.sendHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Sipi"')
        return -1
elseif auth.status == 'NOAUTH' then
    server.sendHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Sipi"')
    return -1
    server.sendHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Sipi"')
    return -1

SIPI File System Function

These functions offer tools to manipuale files and directories, and to gather file information.


success, filetype = server.fs.ftype(filepath)

Checks the filetype of a given filepath. Returns either true, filetype (with filetype one of "FILE", "DIRECTORY", "CHARDEV", "BLOCKDEV", "LINK", "SOCKET" or "UNKNOWN") or false, errormsg.


success, modtime = server.fs.modtime(filepath)

Retrieves the last modification date of a file in seconds since epoch UTC. Returns either true, modtime or false, errormsg.


success, readable = server.fs.is_readable(filepath)

Checks if a file is readable. Returns true, readable (boolean) on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, writeable = server.fs.is_writeable(filepath)

Checks if a file is writeable. Returns true, writeable (boolean) on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, errormsg = server.fs.is_executable(filepath)

Checks if a file is executable. Returns true, executable (boolean) on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, exists = server.fs.exists(filepath)

Checks if a file exists. Checks if a file exists. Returns true, exists (boolean) on success or false, errormsg on failure.

success, errormsg = server.fs.unlink(filename)

Deletes a file from the file system. The file must exist and the user must have write access. Returns true, nil on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, errormsg = server.fs.mkdir(dirname, [tonumber('0755', 8)])

Creates a new directory, optionally with the specified permissions. Returns true, nil on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, errormsg = server.fs.rmdir(dirname)

Deletes a directory. Returns true, nil on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, curdir = server.fs.getcwd()

Gets the current working directory. Returns true, current_dir on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, filenames = server.fs.readdir(dirname)

Gets the names of the files in a directory, not including . and ... Returns true, table on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, oldir = server.fs.chdir(newdir)

Change working directory. Returns true, olddir on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, errormsg = server.fs.copyFile(source, destination)

Copies a file from source to destination. Returns true, nilon success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, errormsg = server.fs.moveFile(from, to)

Moves a file. The move connot cross filesystem boundaries! true, nilon success or false, errormsg on failure.

Other Helper Function


success, result = server.http(method, "http://server.domain[:port]/path/file" [, header] [, timeout])

Performs an HTTP request using curl. Currently implements only GET requests. Parameters:

  • method: The HTTP request method. Currently must be "GET".
  • url: The HTTP URL.
  • header: An optional table of key-value pairs representing HTTP request headers.
  • timeout: An optional number of milliseconds until the connection times out.

Authentication is not yet supported.

The result is a table:

result = {
    status_code = value -- HTTP status code returned
    erromsg = "error description" -- only if success is false
    header = {
        name = value [, name = value, ...]
    certificate = { -- only if HTTPS connection
        subject = value,
        issuer = value
    body = data,
    duration = milliseconds


success, result = server.http("GET", "", 100)

if (result.success) then
   for k,v in pairs(server.header) do
       server.print("<tr><td>", k, "</td><td>", v, "</td></tr>")

   server.print("Duration: ", result.duration, " ms<br/><hr/>")
   server.print("Body:<br/>", result.body)
   server.print("ERROR: ", result.errmsg)


success, jsonstr = server.table\_to\_json(table)

Converts a (nested) Lua table to a JSON string. Returns true, jsonstr on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, table = server.json_to_table(jsonstr)

Converts a JSON string to a (nested) Lua table. Returns true, table on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, token = server.generate_jwt(table)

Generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) with the supplied table as payload. Returns true, token on success or false, errormsg on failure. The internal may contain arbitrary keys and/or may contains the JWT claims as follows. (The type IntDate is a number of seconds since 1970-01-01T0:0:0Z):

  • iss (string => StringOrURI) OPT: principal that issued the JWT.
  • exp (number => IntDate) OPT: expiration time on or after which the token MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
  • nbf (number => IntDate) OPT: identifies the time before which the token MUST NOT be accepted for processing.
  • iat (number => IntDate) OPT: identifies the time at which the JWT was issued.
  • aud (string => StringOrURI) OPT: identifies the audience that the JWT is intended for. The audience value is a string, typically the base address of the resource being accessed, such as
  • prn (string => StringOrURI) OPT: identifies the subject of the JWT.
  • jti (string => String) OPT: provides a unique identifier for the JWT.


success, table = server.decode_jwt(token)

Decodes a JSON Web Token (JWT) and returns its content as table. Returns true, table on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, mimetype = server.parse_mimetype(str)

Parses a mimtype HTTP header string and returns a pair containing the actual mimetype and the charset used (if available). It returns true, pair with pair as mimetype and charset on success, false, errormsg on failure.


success, table = server.file_mimetype(path)
success, table = server.file_mimetype(index)

Determines the mimetype of a file. The first form is used if the file path is known. The second form can be used for uploads by passing the upload file index. It returns true, table on success or false, errormsg on failure. The table has 2 members: - mimetype - charset


success, is_consistent = server.file_mimeconsistency(path)
success, is_consistent = server.file_mimeconsistency(index)

Checks if the file extension and the mimetype determined by the magic of the file is consistent. The first form requires a path (including the filename with extension), the second can be used for checking uploads by passing the file index. It returns true, is_consistent on success or false, errormsg in case of an error. is_consistent is true if the mimetype corresponds to the file extension.


success, errormsg = server.copyTmpfile(from, to)

Sipi saves each uploaded file in a temporary location (given by the config variable tmpdir) and deletes it after the request has been served. This function is used to copy the file to another location where it can be retrieved later. Returns true, nil on success or false, errormsg on failure.


  • from: an index (integer value) of array server.uploads.
  • target: destination path


systime = server.systime()

Returns the current system time on the server in seconds since epoch.


server.log(message, loglevel)

Writes a message to syslog. Severity levels are:

  • server.loglevel.LOG_EMERG
  • server.loglevel.LOG_ALERT
  • server.loglevel.LOG_CRIT
  • server.loglevel.LOG_ERR
  • server.loglevel.LOG_WARNING
  • server.loglevel.LOG_NOTICE
  • server.loglevel.LOG_INFO
  • server.loglevel.LOG_DEBUG


success, uuid = server.uuid()

Generates a random UUID version 4 identifier in canonical form, as described in RFC 4122. Returns true, uuid on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, uuid62 = server.uuid62()

Generates a Base62-encoded UUID. Returns true, uuid62 on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, uuid62 = server.uuid_to_base62(uuid)

Converts a canonical UUID string to a Base62-encoded UUID. Returns true, uuid62 on success or false, errormsg on failure.


success, uuid = server.base62_to_uuid(uuid62)

Converts a Base62-encoded UUID to canonical form. Returns true, uuid on success or false, errormsg on failure.

Installing Lua modules

To install Lua modules that can be used in Lua scripts, use local/bin/luarocks. Make sure that the location where the modules are stored is in the Lua package path, which is printed by local/bin/lurocks path. The Lua paths will be used by the Lua interpreter when loading modules in a script with require (see Using LuaRocks to install packages in the current directory).

For example, using local/bin/luarocks install --local package, the package will be installed in ~/.luarocks/. To include this path in the Lua's interpreter package search path, you can use an environment variable. Running local/bin/luarocks path outputs the code you can use to do so. Alternatively, you can build the package path at the beginning of a Lua file by setting package.path and package.cpath (see Running scripts with packages).